What's Happening!

Hey Guys,

You're probably thinking "New section, why?!?!" Well, this section is for us (BEKAH AND YASMIN!!!!) To tell you (the band lovers and readers) about what we have been doing lately to promote those lovely bands you see in the tabs above ours! (check them out, you know you want to)

      Here are a list of things you can expect for us to be putting up on here, (Warning, you might see some crazy stuff)
Our crazy adventures, from getting lost in Ottawa when putting posters up ( *cough* Bekah *cough*) to going to the biggest mall in North America a.k.a West Edmonton Mall, and running up to random strangers and telling them about bands, (trust me its kind of scary and embarrassing), or making posters and putting them up everywhere, like on a car with people in it (*cough* Yasmin *cough*)!

       We are also going to be posting pictures of what we have been doing, Sometimes we might even post videos and links to some awesome video that we made that will show you what's been going on!
       FYI, we will be updating this every week so just stop by, because you never know if you're favorite bands will be in this tiny section that, quite frankly, ROCKS SOX!!!! Well this week, there are no pictures of us promoting (cries like a baby) but next week we are uploading pictures of what we have been doing for JMA!! :)

     Thanks, and for questions, or suggestions email us at BandsGoBig@hotmail.com 
      --Yasmin xx :)